Who is behind the Grafikmagazin?
We are two journalists, an art director and a marketing specialist who are passionate about outstanding graphic design. We were previously responsible for editing, graphics, production and advertising for novum - World of Graphic Design magazine for many years.
How often does it appear Grafikmagazin and how much does it cost?
The Grafikmagazin is published every two months, with the first issue coming out in February. The single issue costs 19.80 euros. Prices for subscriptions and student offers can be found here.
How does the price of the magazine come about?
Firstly, because quality has its price and secondly, because four people intend to make a living from selling this magazine. We also want to pay our authors, correspondents and service providers fairly. Anyone who does good work should be paid appropriately for it.
Why are you still doing a print magazine now?
Print is the future. Craftsmanship and haptics are valued more than ever right now. When more and more communication is taking place digitally, analog is gaining in value. A lovingly produced and well-crafted print magazine literally touches more than a thousand pictures.

How do I get into the Grafikmagazin?
It's simple: do a great job and send it to us as a PDF: redaktion@grafikmagazin.de
You used to be the novum, what happened there?
Yes, we were responsible for the editorial and graphic design of novum for a long time - for up to 20 years, to be precise. However, after 96 years of publication, novum has now entered into a cooperation with Page, so the old team is no longer needed. We have therefore looked for a new task and are now publishing the Grafikmagazin on our own. And we would be delighted if you would support us: Online store