The FOTODOKS festival for contemporary documentary photography is entering its next round on the subject of climate change. The exhibition entitled "Future Perfect" will open on July 12, and there will also be a four-day accompanying program with workshops, artists' talks and discussion panels from July 13 to 16. Visitors can then view the diverse artistic positions in Munich's Lothringer13 Halle until August 20.
The multiple consequences of climate change
The theme of this year's FOTODOKS is "Future Perfect". As the title suggests, it is about the future. However, not about a supposedly perfect future, but about an allusion to the tense of the completed future, the future perfect, and about what we already know about the future. The most topical issue here is probably the consequences of climate change. FOTODOKS shows how 13 international artists and collectives deal with this in their photographic works and highlight different positions on this complex issue.
Hope instead of pessimism
The exhibited works demonstrate a wide range of themes. For example, they address issues relating to environmental protection, activism and science, as well as related societal and social challenges. The many different approaches and focal points of the respective works visualize the wide-ranging complexity of the topic. Despite the negativity of the topic, the realizations are not pessimistic, but show all the emotions associated with it, from fear to hope, from shock to thirst for action.
Versatile accompanying program
Both the exhibition and the accompanying program of the FOTODOKS Festival are open to everyone free of charge. The program is dedicated to the same theme as the exhibition and also provides even more insights into the artists' works and their intentions. A free exhibition catalog and the program overview can be found in the exhibition gallery.
The FOTODOKS curatorial team, itself made up of photographers, has once again managed to provide a stage for an essential topic, integrate international perspectives and make photography accessible. We highly recommend paying the festival a visit.
More about the program here
Text: Paula Schneewind