Today, every illustration seems to be just a few prompts away. However, what illustrators can really do and achieve is often underestimated, as is the value of their work for brand communication and conveying content. In this issue, we therefore take a closer look at what illustrations can do and how versatile they are.

In addition to Grafik+ "Illustration", we are also taking a closer look at the topic of pricing. Under the motto "What is My Work Worth?", typographer Charlotte Rohde and designer Max Weinland have launched a platform of the same name to help designers - especially young designers - assess the value of their work. Lexware' s solo.selbststaendig portal also demonstrates how important it is to reward (creative) freelance work appropriately. With practical tips and information on transparent pricing, the content creators help to tackle the challenges of the community. Design studios and freelancers have also told us what has helped them with pricing.

In our photo section, this time we are focusing on the next generation. The .achtzen project documents the reality of life for eighteen-year-olds in Germany and what is important to them for their future. Every year, the gute aussichten competition honors the best young talent and shows how excitingly the medium of photography is evolving.
Of course, the print sector is not neglected either: With "The Work of Art" by legendary magazine editor Adam Moss, we present a compendium that documents the often lengthy and hidden development processes of creative work. The book "Spells", on the other hand, presents AI image artists who show how they use the latest technologies to further develop their creative work. On the other hand, on the 8th degree of longitude, a small publishing house demonstrates how to combine regional literature with loving book design.

Grafik+ »Illustration«
Illustration is an indispensable part of graphic design and contributes significantly to the visual communication of brands and companies. In this issue, we explore why handmade illustrations are indispensable for both emotional and design reasons, despite the omnipresence and availability of AI-generated images today. Hamburg-based illustrator Lennart Gäbel talks about his experiences designing political magazine covers and the importance of attitude in illustration. Creative Director Anna Sullivan from SZ Magazine explains what she looks for when selecting illustrators, while Charles Desmerais shows how editorial illustration and animation can be combined to remain relevant in both print and digital.

The cover
The cover of this issue is an example of how a successful artwork can be made even more appealing with the right paper. The FSC-certified Astroking paper has a fine felt mark that gives it a linen-like texture. This is very appealing to the touch, but above all it makes the magazine something special visually.
The cover motif was created by Carina Lindmeier from Linz, who is convinced that individuality strengthens brand identity - which is perfectly supported by the personal style of an illustration.

The showroom
For the showroom of issue 04.24, we visited places beyond Germany's borders, including Vienna, Lucerne and Zurich: for example, the print-savvy specialty store Softcover, which is run by Sebastian Gansrigler with a lot of passion and attention to detail, or the type-smith Grilli Type, whose disciplined, globally networked way of working impressed us very much, and AI trend scout Grit Wolany, who enriches the ZHdK with experiments and research and talks about her workshop experiences. Last but not least, we discovered impressive brandings at Werner Fett in Chile.

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Grafikmagazin 04.24 "Illustration" thus offers a comprehensive and diverse look at current trends and their protagonists and invites design enthusiasts to be inspired by richly illustrated short articles as well as in-depth analyses.
The Grafikmagazin 04.24 with the focus on "Illustration" can be ordered here soon!
If you would like to find out more about pricing, don't miss the first part of our pricing series. Find out more here ...