The neudeli start-up workshop at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is the first port of call for any student interested in starting a business. The workshop has now developed a new podcast to give the topic of "creative entrepreneurship" a platform. Graduates from artistic and creative degree courses are addressed in order to make it clear that there are countless different paths to self-employment in the creative industry.
Martha Hemmersdorf works at the neudeli start-up workshop and now sits down with a wide variety of self-employed people from the creative sector to talk to them about their careers as part of the "Auf eigenen Wegen" podcast. In keeping with the theme of "Creative Entrepreneurship", her guests are all graduates of art and design courses themselves. They can therefore report from experience on what it is like to want to set up your own business after completing your studies and what challenges you face. It is particularly important to her that it becomes clear how individual the individual experiences can be and that each path can lead to the goal in its very own way. The conversations can motivate, encourage and inspire, and are honest and entertaining. The experiences that are talked about are probably familiar to one or two graduates of a creative degree program from their own lives. This successfully conveys the image that anyone who is passionate about becoming self-employed can achieve this goal.
The debut episode with Melissa Harms and Nele Schacht from the Weimar design studio "parzelle34" was released on September 29. After that, a new episode will be published every two weeks with different guests, including filmmaker Alice von Gwinner, game developer Milan Pingel, freelance artist Karo Kollwitz and many more.
You can listen to the whole thing on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Podigee, but also on the podcast's website.
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Text: Johanna Schmees