Under this year's motto "What nobody talks about", a wide variety of speakers came together at the 7th round of Tÿpo in St. Gallen on the weekend of November 10 to 12, 2023 and discussed topics with the audience that are often preferred to remain silent.

Led and moderated by Clemens Schedler and Anne Treichel, the event not only gave a stage to a wide variety of personalities from the creative industry and their projects, but also created a space for conversations about mistakes, insecurities and taboos. What may sound like unpleasant topics at first glance actually created a relaxed and personal atmosphere that built a bridge between the speakers and the audience and invited further exchange.
Among others, the Swiss studio Balmer Hählen was there, which reported openly and authentically about its work processes and showcased unusual print products. Agency Q also had a rather unconventional presentation in which, instead of presenting their successful work as usual, they reported on so-called "fuck-ups". Other exciting talks were given by graphic designer Jianping He, who talked about his connection to nature and how he draws his inspiration from it, and Dutch artist Guido de Boer, who gave insights into his work and the world of typography.

In addition to the lectures, there was once again a large selection of workshops this year, where participants were also able to gain a practical insight into the work of the speakers. From knitted typography to live performances and poster design, visitors were able to develop their creativity and exchange ideas.
On Friday, in honor of the 90th birthday of book and type designer Jost Hochuli, the evening also began with the vernissage of his book "Typobiography", where various speakers came together to share anecdotes and the work of the Swiss graphic designer.

You can find out more about Tÿpo in St. Gallen here. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about design in the future.

Photos: Tÿpo St. Gallen
Text: Johanna Schmees